Covenant Christian Academy seeks to develop the basic skills needed by all children, while recognizing the special talents and abilities of each one. Our goal is to teach hearts and train minds in education for life. Students are exposed to any material deemed necessary to fit the whole person for God’s service in and through human society as we know it today. Subjects taught in our curriculum include the following: language arts, social studies, science, mathematics, reading, phonics, writing, cursive and penmanship, Bible, art, music, physical education, and computer keyboarding.
The Bible is accepted as the Word of God; it serves as the foundation for all thought and as the final authority for all faith and practice (see Statement of Faith).
Training Hearts and Teaching Minds for Life in Christ is the banner above Covenant Christian Academy.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6)