Training Hearts & Teaching Minds for Life in Christ

Student activities for a well-rounded life

We sing hymns and play soccer; students of all ages learn to play and work together on the playground, in the classroom, and on stage.

Art, Music, & Physical Education
  • All students participate in art, music, and PE classes twice per week
    • Art: Variety of media and skills
    • Music: Singing, music history, music theory, music appreciation, and the opportunity to perform (vocal and instrumental) at school programs
    • PE: Age-appropriate practice of skills, exercise, and team sports (though formal PE classes are twice per week, students have plenty of recess time for physical activity)
Performing Arts
  • Science Fair
  • Spring Program – Art Fair
  • Christmas Program
  • Grandparents Day
  • Performances at a local retirement home
  • And more…
Field Trips
  • Desert Camp Trips (grades 3-5 and 6-8)
  • A week in Washington, DC, and Williamsburg, VA (grades 6-8) 
  • San Juan Capistrano Mission (K-8)
  • Science museums
  • The Zoo and the Aquarium
  • International Printing Museum
  • And more…
Regional ACSI Competitions
  • Spelling Bee
  • Speech Meet
  • Math Olympics
  • And more…