Training Hearts & Teaching Minds for Life in Christ

God’s truth in every subject
  • We teach our children to glorify and enjoy God in every area of their lives — and especially, as students. 

  • It’s traditional education with elements of the classical approach.

  • On standardized tests, CCA consistently averages above the 80th percentile compared to national results.

  • We use a traditional grading system, with quarterly evaluations in all academic subjects, along with music, art, and PE. 

  • Students excel at regional competitions (Speech Meets, Spelling Bees, Math Olympics).

  • We take academic field trips (local museums, concerts, camping trips, our nation’s capital).

  • We read and write, learn to type, drill math facts, and memorize Scripture. It’s education without some of the bells and whistles of 21st century educational fads.

  • Teachers use technology for instruction, as appropriate. Students in middle school learn word-processing and internet research skills.